Instructions to Authors

Scientific format and general guidelines

Articles submitted to the journal Recherches en psychanalyse. Research in Psychoanalysis should be original contributions in the field of psychoanalysis that stage an interdisciplinary and epistemological dialogue (the editorial line of the journal is described in the related section).

French, English, Portuguese or Spanish articles can be submitted.

Articles partially or completely published in other journals cannot be submitted. Articles should be original, and comply with copyright regulations.

They should show good knowledge of recent international research on the issue in question. Authors are therefore requested to refer to recent books and articles. An article should include at least 8 references to scientific articles published in the past 15 years in scientific journals indexed in psychology databases (PsycINFO, Scopus, PubMed).

The author(s) should make sure all collected material is reliable. They commit not to tamper with nor make up the research content, nor appropriate another researcher’s material without their consent, or without acknowledging the source of the material.

Articles may be submitted to a plagiarism and self-plagiarism analysis software to ensure they meet the above-mentioned ethical publishing requirements. Should an article prove plagiarised or falsified in part, the author(s) will deal with the legal consequences.

The research developed in any submitted article must meet the ethical standards of research in psychoanalysis and clinical psychology. Thus, every clinical research should attest it abides by the requirements for the protection of individuals, and specify how.

Manuscript presentation

Articles should be written in a clear and concise style, in accordance with the grammar, spelling and punctuation rules of the language in which they are submitted. They should not exceed 5,000 words, titles and footnotes included, abstracts and references not included. They should use Times New Roman 12 font, with double spacing.

Articles should include:

– An introduction, which clearly states the aim of the text and its argument, and sets out a clear and precise problematics. The outline of the article should be presented, so as to point out the steps taken to address the problematics.

– Sections with clear and explicit titles, which should show good knowledge of classical and recent literature on the subject, and specify how psychoanalytical concepts are being used and which epistemological fields are being involved.

Authors are asked to clearly define the context of the article and see that their methodological choices allow a better international comprehension of the subject.

– A concluding section.

Tables, figures, photos and diagrams should be sent in separate files.

 Each article should include :

A title page with the following elements

– the title of the article (in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese) ;

– the complete first name and surname of each author, in the order in which they will appear when the article is published

– the affiliations of each author, in the order in which they will appear when the article is published (they should mention at least the city, postcode and country);

– the name, full professional postal address (including postcode) and e-mail address of the author to be contacted during the submission process (only the e-mail address will be shown in the published article).


On the page following the title page, every article should include an approximately 200-word abstract in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese, that should outline the purpose of the paper, the main argument, the used methodology and the results.

The abstract should clearly put forward the major points of the article and accurately reflect its content. It should not include tables, figures or clinical illustrations.


The abstract should be followed by five keywords, in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese. The keywords serve the purpose of indexation, and, thus determine the visibility and accessibility of the research in bibliographic databases. They should therefore be chosen so as to favour this visibility.

The main text

Starting on the page following that of the abstracts, the text will be entirely anonymised for the double-blind expertise process. Authors are therefore asked to remove all self-references from the submitted papers. The names of the author(s) should be replaced by the bracketed phrase: (name of the author). References by the author(s) should also be removed from the bibliography and may be included back when the paper is accepted.

In the manuscript, the following elements should be formatted as follows

  • Quotes

Quotes should use quotation marks, and be followed by the author’s reference, the publication date and page number.


“Il y suffit de comprendre le stade du miroir comme une identification au sens plein que l’analyse donne de ce terme” (Lacan, 1949, p 93)

All additions to the original text should be put between square brackets.


“Je veux dire [concernant la théorisation] que nous pouvons laisser libre cours à nos hypothèses, à condition de garder notre jugement critique, de ne pas prendre l’échafaudage pour le bâtiment lui-même” (Freud, 1900, pp 455-56).

Italics in the original text should show in the quote. To indicate part of the quote was left out, use ellipsis in square brackets.


“Ce qu’il en advient […]: ce qui n’est pas venu au jour du symbolique advient dans le reel” (Lacan, 1966, p 386).

  • Footnotes

Footnotes should be scarce and not include bibliographical references. They should bear numbers.

  • Bibliographical references

In the main text of the text

Bibliographical references in the main text will show the name of the author and the date of the work, using brackets.


Freud (1927) or (Freud, 1927).

If several co-authors are mentioned, their names must be included.


If more than two co-authors are mentioned, the reference will read as follows:

Kaës and al (1999) or (Kaës and al., 1999).

At the end of a quote, the page number of the reference should be mentioned after the date.


“Je crois qu’il est presque impossible de dissocier le problème de la constitution du soi et celui de l’histoire de la sexualité” (Foucault, 1983, p 121).

In the list of references

The bibliographical references mentioned in the article should be listed at the end of the article in alphabetical order and in chronological order for multiple entries by the same author. References by the same author in the same year will be differentiated using the letters a, b, c… after the date of the entry. Only works mentioned in the main text may appear in this list.

The bibliographic reference should mention the city and the publisher’s name.

If a non-original edition is mentioned, the original edition date should follow the author’s name, and the date of the used edition should appear at the end of the reference.

The title of the article should be followed by the name of the journal in italics, the volume number and the first and last pages of the article.

Bibliographic references should be formatted as follows:

  • Scientific article

Author, A. (year). Title of the article. Journal, volume number, pages. DOI if the reference is online.

Ex :

Schneider, M. (2008). Le découpage des corps sexués : anatomie ou idéologie ?. Connexions, n°90, pp 21-31. DOI : 10.3917/cnx.090.0021

Laufer, L. (2020). Du rire à la joie : psychanalyse, féminisme et politique. Cahiers du Genre, n°68, pp 191-218. DOI : 10.3917/cdge.068.019

  • Book

Author, A. B. (year ). Title of book. Place: Publisher.

Author, A. & Second author, B. … & Sixth author, and al. (year). Title of book. Place: Publisher.

Author, A. (year). Title of the book [Title of the book in the original language]. Translator: translator, A., Place: Publisher. Year.


Preciado, P.-B. (2008). TestoJunkie. Sexe, drogue et biopolitique. Paris : Grasset. 2008.

Scott, W J. (1996). La Citoyenne paradoxale : les féministes françaises et les droits de l’homme [Only Paradoxes to Offer. French Feminists and the Rights of Men]. Translators : Bourdé, M. & Pratt, C., Paris : Albin Michel. 1998.

  • Chapter

Author, A. (year). Title of chapter. In Director of the book, A. (Ed.), Title of the book (chapter pages). Place: Publisher.


Gros, F. (2018). J’écris, par-delà toute communication raisonnablement envisageable. In Laufer L. (Ed.), Lettres à Lacan (pp 179-184). Paris: Éditions Thierry Marchaisse.

  • Collective work

Book editor(s), A. (Ed.) (year ). Title of the book. Place: Publisher.

Ex :

Bodiou L. et al. (Ed). (2019). On tue une femme. Le féminicide. Histoire et actualités. Paris : Hermann.