Transidentity, Non-Binarity, Parenthood

What Are We Talking About?
By Patricia Porchat, Thamy Ayouch

Parenthood, even when exercised by trans people, is associated with a binary point of view, because the term mother should coincide with the trans woman and the term father coincide with the trans man. From the narrative of some trans and non-binary parenting experiences we see that the situation is more complex, because one realizes the existence of a negotiation between anatomy, gender, parenthood and the name that the child invents to call the person who fulfills this function. From this we examine the possible repercussions on psychoanalytic thinking and on the clinic performed by cis analysts. Some of these questions can be clarified if we look at the experience of trans analysts talking about the transference of their trans patients.


  • transidentity
  • non-binarity
  • parenthood
  • transference
  • gender
  • transgender
  • transsexuality
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