The Contemporary Body, a Body Politic? On the Selection of Gayle Rubin's Articles published in French as Surveiller et jouir, anthropologie du sexe

On the Selection of Gayle Rubin's Articles published in French as Surveiller et jouir, anthropologie du sexe
By Laurie Laufer

Through a reading of texts by Gayle Rubin and following in the footsteps of Foucault, in this article we examine and criticize a sexual hierarchy by setting out what Gayle Rubin calls a “concept of benign sexual variation”. It is also a matter of grasping the way in which this variation of pleasures can work itself free of psychopathological categorizations through the construction of a culture and a sociability around sexual practices and, therefore, of a politics of sex. The articulation between the notion of gender and psychoanalysis shows the surprising proximity of Gayle Rubin to Freud on the question of sexuality and its pleasures.


  • body
  • gender
  • pleasures
  • politics
  • psychoanalysis
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